How to Producticize Yourself.


There is absolutely no reason as to why you should not be making money online,

I did it, I am doing it, you can do it and people are doing it.

How will you do this and do it on scale?

Follow below👇
1. Start learning - Stop selling your time and start learning a skill that will solve a problem.

Skillset + Dedication = Guaranteed success.

Producticize yourself by learning a skill.

You have the skill, what else?👇
Start Documenting- Store your efforts in digital assets. Documenting helps you build once and sell a thousand time.

Skillset + Documentation

You already are two steps ahead of most people,

Now what next?👇
Focus- Keep interrupting the compounding curve. Compounding is the only way to save more time.

Skillset + Documentation + Focus

3 steps ahead, so?👇
Iterate - for the three steps above. Start, get going and then get good.

Skillset + Documentation + Focus + Iterate

Well, is that all?👇
Be consistent- building anything valuable and defensible will take time, effort and energy.

Skillset + Documentation + Focus + iterate + consistency = A solid online business.

Learn more here👇 
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