This morning, the Union Leader published an op-ed in favor of the HB 20 vouchers by Florida’s former Governor, Jeb Bush. Remember when I said he was making the rounds? Apparently he still is. A little Sunday #NHPolitics thread.
Originally, I thought I might do a paragraph-by-paragraph analysis. But it’s #SuperBowl Sunday, including a game in which a certain former New England quarterback is now IN Florida, so really – let’s just cut to the chase.
So. What *actually* happens in Florida in their school voucher program? Rampant, anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination in religious schools.
A few weeks ago (1/23), the Orlando Sentinel published its investigation into the anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination that is state sanctioned through its publicly-funded voucher program. Here are some excerpts:
"That means at least 14 percent of Florida’s nearly 147,000 scholarship students last year attended private schools where homosexuality was condemned or, at a minimum, unwelcome.”
“The Sentinel found 83 schools that refuse to admit LGBTQ students or could expel them if their sexual orientation or gender identity were discovered. Some also refuse to educate students whose parents are gay or to hire staff who are gay.”
“Another 73 schools call being gay or transgender a biblical sin but do not explain how those views play out in admissions or student discipline decisions.”
“All students should be welcome at a K-12 school, especially those schools that receive public money,” said Suzanne Eckes...who has studied school voucher programs. “I think the big question is, 'Hey [Florida citizens]...Do you want your taxpayer money used in this way?”
How does this anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination in Florida’s voucher program apply to New Hampshire? Let’s go back to the HB 20 bill text:
“No education service provider shall be required to alter its creed, practices, admissions policy or curriculum in order to accept payments from an EFA.” -- NH's HB 20
And to be abundantly clear, here is almost identical language from the SB 130 bill text:
“An education service provider shall not be required to alter its creed, practices, admissions policy, or curriculum in order to accept payments from an EFA.”
There are plenty of jokes I could make about Jeb Bush publishing an op-ed in New Hampshire: he came in fourth in the 2016 NH first-in-the-nation primary. He had that awkward “please clap” moment. That exclamation point.
But this voucher policy isn’t a joking matter.
We are talking about open discrimination of students, educators, families…and, because these publicly-funded vouchers would be eligible (according to a bill sponsor!) to send to religious institutions, this would be state-sanctioned, state-paid-for discrimination.
And that should really, really matter.
One more thing: isn’t it interesting how many out-of-state folks want to influence the New Hampshire education system? I wonder who we will hear from in Thursday’s hearing.
Bye, have fun watching the game later!
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