When teachers walk away from the profession, we’re not walking away because of kids. We’re walking away because of adults who uphold a system that hurts children. And that hurts us at the same time.
And we know that if we want to sustain ourselves not as teachers but as human beings then we must leave when the time comes
Imagine a profession that burns out some of its most effective teachers. I mean could you imagine doctors leaving the medical field after 5 years because they're exhausted and tired and dehumanized to the point of early retirement?
Personally, I'm tired of thank yous. I'm tired of donuts and mugs. We need radical change in our profession and our system and we need it yesterday. The American Education System is a national crisis and should be treated as such.
And this spans across our different schools: The tuition-based private schools, the public schools in the hood, the suburbs and the rural areas, the charter schools across the street, the Intern'l school across the ocean. We're all in crisis. (trust me I've worked in all of them)
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