This piece in @CanLawMag is repulsive and thinly veiled bigotry. It is also intellectually dishonest and poorly written. This has nothing to do with freedom of speech. It is trash.
There is a great thread by @IRPlawyer eviscerating the authors garbage take (in addition to the many thoughtful replied on @francesmahonlaw's feed:
The new concerning update is that in response to @francesmahonlaw's letter Canadian Lawyer seems to have changed the date on the op-ed to bury it. Yesterday it was "published" on Feb 5, 2021 as of right now that date has changed to Oct 1, 2020.
Full disclosure: I have written at Canadian Lawyer for a couple years now. I was also named one of the top 25 most influential lawyers on their 2020 list. Obviously, I have some big concerns in relation to this piece and will be re-evaluating my relationship with Canadian Lawyer
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