What does "pro-business" mean?

We've watched our high streets fall into ruin. Shops closing down and not replaced, Tescos and Sainsburys moving in, hoovering up any smaller competition, pawn shops and gambling dens draining the lives away from communities...
So much is down to online shopping, much is down to the need for councils to make revenue from parking and business rates, some is down to poor transport links.

Meanwhile society has become uncertain. Few business owners will be able to pass their businesses down to their kids,
so many traditional workplaces have become obsolete, like blacksmiths, seamstresses, and cobblers.

This is the tiktok generation, where revenue is created by making videos, selling snake oil, and spreading conspiracy theories.

And without guaranteed income, people can't spend.
Then there is the huge corporations, which slash prices by underpaying employees, mistreating them, squeezing suppliers, to fulfil the demands both of greedy shareholders and the customers who can no longer afford to pay a reasonable price for essential goods.
These days, more and more jobs are being siphoned off into these corporations, forcing people to work harder to make a living, denying them the time and luxury to invest in leisure, quality of products and services, and the wider factors which create a supply/demand economy.
This isn't free markets - the premise of the market is that people will chose the best and safest product, forcing the bad and unsafe off the market. But people do not have the time and energy to examine the market, instead sticking to "trusted" brands and the here & now.
Supporting business means being aware of the constant change in lifestyles. It means investing in local government, recreating the retail experience, guaranteeing incomes so people have the confidence to innovate, and focusing on the individual rather than the corporation.
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