OK so I am trying to gather my thoughts right now to post this..
I was gonna make a corny post on Valentine's day about how I eloped and introduce my spouse, but he has disappeared without a trace. He took my car, but zero belongings.
I am hesitating about filing a police report right now because I know what they do to natives around here. Tygel was last seen in Mesa and could've gone to Phoenix, Tucson, Vegas, or Gallup. Navajo, mid 30's, wearing a black button up shirt and colorful beads & 3 earrings..
The 3rd earring is our wedding ring, a silver and turquoise bear paw in his right ear. He has the kanji for Tiger tattooed on his chest. My car is a 2006 white Honda Civic with a sheepskin on the dashboard. Contact me if you see anything.
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