Gateway Pundit played a key role in the “election fraud” disinfo campaign — repeatedly taking real world events (eg mail issues, discarded ballots, voting anomalies), falsely framing them as DEM voter fraud, & spreading those frames widely thru a multi platform media strategy.
GWP was among the most influential Twitter accounts in spreading false narratives about election fraud. It spread more distinct narratives/incidents of election disinfo than any other account. The GWP website was among the most linked to in tweets pushing those false narratives.
Another interesting thing about GWP: they were often influential in the early moments of an emergent narrative... sometimes bringing in a completely new story, other times helping to set the frame for an existing piece of “evidence” to fit it within the voter fraud narrative.
If we look at the domain level, GWP is #1, tweeted/retweeted >800k times for 46 distinct “incidents” (distinct info cascades of false/misleading information) about Election 2020 between Aug 15 and Dec 12. Highly RTed in nearly twice as many incidents as any other domain.
You can follow @katestarbird.
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