The #footballindex market is not crashing.

We're actually in the middle of a sustained recovery.

Read on to see why...
➡️The road to recovery has many peaks & troths.

➡️Profit takers correct sudden rises & some traders take the opportunity to reduce their platform exposure.

➡️An illiquid OB based on an increasingly unpredictable football landscape will not have a straight line recovery.
➡️When FI chose the free market path to recovery after removing the Offer Floors, there was always going to be a fierce bear market cycle where a bottom had to be found before the market began its correction.

➡️Over time each fall becomes shorter and the rises go further.
➡️1 unique thing about FI vs other markets is the obsessive nature of its user base with traders scrutinising hourly or daily fluctuations & declaring every volatile moment as a 'crash' or a signal 'the index is back'.

➡️Longer term analysis will always provide better results.
➡️7 day rolling average prices for the current Top 10 players paints a different picture of the volatility within the market.

➡️Since the widely recognised market bottom on 18 Dec it is clear that prices are moving in the right direction.
➡️Looking ahead... Prices will continue to chop & change.

➡️Focussing on overall trajectory & learning to not check the app every few mins & describing price rises as money you've 'made' or falls as money you've 'lost' will see all Traders have a healthier attitude to the market
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