A thread on a Sunday afternoon

Let me tell you about @Annaj9267

Yesterday she tweeted that people going to the pub were all devoid of ideas & that she didnā€™t drink, but instead she hiked, wild swam & scuba dived instead! She also said shes married to a colonel in the SAS (1)
Anna was a big fan of Boris Johnson & she voted for him at the last election, but now feels that heā€™s not the man for the job & she feels Nigel Farage is more in touch with the electorate! Anna also sent some flowers to Boris when he was ill in hospital with COVID last year! (2)
Anna lives a fulfilling military lifestyle & stated she went scuba diving in Scapa Flow once & swam amongst the wrecks of the German WW2 fleet that are up there, this is what military families do apparently, they think outside the box, unlike the plebs that go to the pub! (3)
Now, this all got me thinking! Military family, husband in the elite special forces ( & sharing that detail šŸ¤Æ) but she didnā€™t even know the wrecks sheā€™d actually dived in Scapa Flow were WW1 not as she said WW2 ( I watch the history channel too much šŸ˜Œ) (4)
So, without further ado, I took a little look at Annaā€™s account, remember sheā€™s married to a colonel in the SAS & she sent flowers to Boris?

So first of all, I asked Anna why this letter, on her Twitter, was addressed to Ms Jordan & not Mrs Jordan (5)
Secondly remember the whole I donā€™t drink thing? The I donā€™t like the taste bit, that actually started the whole Iā€™m much better than you plebs thread? Next I asked Anna if she had forgotten about the Hendricks Gin sheā€™d been drinking in this Tweet (6)
So far Anna hadnā€™t responded to my, perfectly civil questions, & this had left me perplexed & curious so I decided to ā€œinvestigateā€ a little further! Imagine my surprise when the woman that doesnā€™t drink or go to pubs had photos of, wait for it.... a pub on her Facebook šŸ¤Ø (7)
I thought perhaps Anna just posted that photo because it was atmospheric or something & she hadnā€™t actually been in the pub, passed by on one of her many hikes, perhaps? Alas I was wrong... this is her enjoying a band in the pub, the ones she doesnā€™t go in šŸ¤Ŗ (8)
So anyway, I left it at that, because I didnā€™t want to set any alarms ringing in SAS HQ & for Annaā€™s Colonel husband & his elite mates to come crashing through my front door if I rummaged any further into Annaā€™s ā€œwhereaboutsā€ so I had a few drinks & went to bed šŸ˜“ (9)
So over my first coffee this morning as I prepared to take the dogs out in the freezing easterly wind thatā€™s blowing by ours, I was scrolling thru Twitter as you do & imagine my surprise, Anna had sort of responded to my queries... (10)
Now I could be all profound & suggest that Anna has mental health issues that lead to her behaviour! But I wonā€™t! Sheā€™s fucking insane & a liar living a delusional life married to a pretend soldier that lives in her head & she helped vote this government in the mad bastard! (End)
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