I spend some time every week delving into conspiracy theories.

My favorite this week:
The Corporation of the US. It's an older one--at least from the 1970s, but adopted by at least some QANON folks.

TL;DR: the US never became independent of UK, Jews, the Vatican and ...

the Queen control us and legally own every American person.

The argument:
The 13th Amendment didn't abolish slavery, it established the US as a Crown colony.
in 1871, the US was transformed into a private corporation under DC.
The Fed, of course, transferred all debt to...
Jewish bankers, who work with the Pope and the Queen.

As far as I can tell, this was a Larouche theory that has been re-born as a Trump theory.

When Trump announced the "new administration" he actually meant that the original, 1879 US is reborn.

And Trump is now President of that reborn US.

Biden is only CEO of the Corporation of the US, which will die soon.

Washington's birthday--Feb. 22--could be the day all this is revealed and the corporation will end.

Fascinating how old theories are stripped of their original context and re-presented. (An old tale, of course. c.f. Protocols of the Elders of Zion).

Also interesting: the view that we are fully slaves but don't know it until somebody finds an obscure document online.

Lastly, this whole theory--like so much of QANON--is so nakedly nonsensical that it supports the idea that conspiracy theories are, often, purely performative.

Saying you believe them is not a declaration of your actual belief. it's a way of showing loyalty to a group.

The more batshit the theory, the more effective the declaration, because it shows you are leaving the world of everyone else and publicly declaring loyalty to this in-group.

Makes me think the fever doesn't break through calmly explaining the batshittery.

The more we show how nonsensical the ideas are, the more potent declaring belief in them becomes.

Instead, we should focus on what the declarers get--or think they get--from this in-group and why it's worth declaring insanity.

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