The ICC's ruling is a dark moment for Israel.
The soldiers who returned from serving in the territories and broke their silence tried to sound the alarm on the reality they were part of, but Israel's govt chose to attack the messenger instead of listening to the message.
After the 2014 Gaza War, we called for an independent Israeli inquiry to investigate the IDF's conduct. We condemned the force used against Gazan protesters, as well as Trump's green light for mass dispossession and annexation. But our warnings were ignored.
Our government celebrated the idea of annexing millions of Palestinians with no rights, no longer even making an effort to pretend that our military regime in the occupied territories is temporary - by that point the writing was on the wall and It was only a matter of time.
The ICC’s ruling is just a symptom. The underlying problem is that the government has failed, not only by ignoring the warning signs, but also by continuing its immoral policy of entrenching the occupation & advancing de facto annexation on the ground.
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