Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the youngest woman elected to the US Congress. And it shows! It shows in the way she refuses to put up and shut up. It shows in the way she refuses to be grateful because the white boys let her in their club called Congress
Remember when Ted Yoho called AOC a “fucking bitch” last year? I cannot recall another female lawmaker get up in Congress and say “Not today. Not me” in the way AOC did in response.
The election of AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and more recently Cori Bush, was a big fuck you to white supremacists, misogynists, Islamophobes, racists. They are Black and women of colour, including Muslim women, who refuse to stay in their appointed place
"On my very first day of orientation, I got my first death threat. It was a serious one. They took me aside, the FBI ... I didn't even get sworn in yet & someone wanted me dead for just existing. More came later. Uglier, more violent,” Rep. Rashida Tlaib
They reject the way so many women of my generation olde were socialized not to show "weakness" when we're finally "allowed" into once all-male spaces. They look white supremacist patriarchy square in the eye and says "Fuck you, I will expose all this fuckery because it must end."
And that is why AOC's Instagram Live and the testimonies in the House that she organized are so important - to say that white supremacist terror - be it before or on Jan. 6 or the day to day - must be held accountable. Listen to Rep. Cori Bush
It is so important that they refuse the "Put up and shut up and be grateful we let you in the men's club" thinking that socialized women of my genderation and older women to put a "brave" face on it.
More essays soon.

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