1/ All this stuff about Starmer not breaking through misses the point. This year he had two jobs. 1st to bury the idea that labour is not fit for office due to irresponsible fiscal approach & lack of patriotism & related - it would put country first during a national emergency
2/ it is my view that reversing a 17% Tory lead to level pegging is ‘Mission accomplished’ for Starmer’s first year. He has established himself as someone you could see entering no 10. He has held the Tories to account successfully on the policy failures. Now he needs to adapt. -
3/ People say he lacks passion. Well Neil Kinnock Michael foot & Corbyn both showed passion in bucketsful but none became PM. In my opinion where Starmer needs to go is to develop a style similar to Wilson & Blair as LOTO & accompany analysis of HMG’s manifest failures with wit.
4/ Johnson is popular because he deploys humour but I think Johnson is vulnerable to mocking. Rather like Trump I don’t think he can take people not liking him or taking him seriously. Starmer needs to get under his skin . Rattle him by greater use of humour. Public will notice.
5/ Wilson on PM Heath - ‘A shiver looking for a spine to run up.’

On Tony Benn ‘ he immatures with age’


‘Tories never actually talk about getting rid of their leader, then suddenly there us a flash of steel betweent he shoulder-blades and rigormortis sets in.’
6/ Blair on Michael Howard ‘t being nasty was not the same as being effective.’

and of course Blair’s in opposition to John Major “he follows his party l lead mine’

But above all outside of the house Starmer next needs to establish a coherent narrative and I believe will do so
7/ lastly I think there probably needs to be some stronger performers in the shadow cabinet. I cannot understand why Yvette Cooper and Hillary Benn do not have a front bench role. Their select committee skills are impressive but they need more prominent media exposure.
8/ PS I rather share the views expressed here in this podcast. If labour were 30 points ahead in the opinion polls, Corbyn wing would say why isn’t he 35 or 40% ahead. It is the wider electorate Starmer needs to reach & this will come in second year 👇 https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-new-statesman-podcast/id630596898
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