iyaaa. im the owner of this sambal since 2017. at that time i sold this sambal kat fb tp sbb tak laku we had to close down. i had to let go my staff too. burnt all my savings berpuluh ribu. i told my sister to give me 4 years to rebuild balik branding. this is how it went: https://twitter.com/fanazzz/status/1358369672060563457
in 2017, i spent two months utk develop sambal king. setiap hari balik dari office aku pegi beli cili kat supermarket, balik rumah and try masak. lepas dah develop resepi, aku try jual 200 botol my fb page. ini video promo: https://fb.watch/3vyNV7GzLu/ 
alhamdulillah video tu viral and smua sold out. tp disaster. the first batch we sold dalam botol plastic. semua pecah sbb aku tak tahu method utk preserve sambal. we had to refund all 200 bottles and aku murung kaw2 time tu sbb dh kecewakan pelanggan
lepas dh buat mistake tu, aku belajar cara simpan sambal dlm botol kaca. alhamdulillah finally tahan lama. and disebabkan video penyet ni still viral, demand masuk beribu nak beli
disebabkan permintaan tnggi, aku terus all out buka production center. i hired a team, kluarkan savings, beli equipment etc. a few weeks after that fb tukar algorithm and my views dropped bnyk. so bad sampai xde org beli sambal. aku clueless time tu sbb dh habis duit savings
so i told my sister to quit. we moved out, jual balik peti sejuk chiller etc. i also let go of my staff sbb aku dh x mampu nk bayar. since then my sister ckp she wants to continue selling, tp buat kecik2 je
in 2018 aku mula azam baru utk build personal branding. aku tebalkan muka utk buat video masak kat IG and tnjuk my face. aku buat lawak2 cringe kat video sampai aku rasa malu gila. bila my video went viral on IG, ramai suruh aku start jual brg sementara famous
i said no. i’m not ready yet. sambal ni still lg ada masalah. bau hangit still tak hilang. 4 years later, in january 2021, baru aku ready utk release
so sepanjang 4 tahun ni we sold sambal king secara kecil-kecilan. sebulan terjual tak sampai 100 botol. tapi dari sini i developed r&d utk improvekan sambal ni. dulu awal2 sambal ni selalu hangus, botol pecah sbb packaging salah. it took me 4 years utk r&d sepenuhnya
the product you see today is the hardwork that i’ve spent for the last 4 years. utk relaunch balik, i had to rebrand the name sbb nama sambal king is too generic and self proclaimed. that is when nyet was born. some packaging details i still maintain sbb aku sayang design ni
from r&d resepi, to design logo, video promo, masak sambal, smuanya aku buat dari A-Z. but now since we are growing, aku dh developed a team to operate day to day. i also rehired the staff that worked with me in 2017
the moment i sold all 10,000 bottles i wanted to cry because nobody knew how long it took me to get here. i lost berpuluh ribu savings dulu menjual sambal sbb tak pandai pape. tak tahu marketing lansung
sampai skrang aku tak remove bio kat sambal king. some people yg beli sambal king masih contact sampai skrang utk beli sambal tu. i have to inform them that i’ve moved the brand to sambal nyet. sbb tu the bio is still there
dari dulu sampai sekarang kami menjual sambal ni dibawah syarikat Rasapop PLT and i own this company with my sister. I developed fb rasapop in 2016, registered Rasapop PLT in 2017 sbelum buat personal branding di IG bermula 2018
bila sambal nyet sold out laju, ramai tnya kenapa tak cepat2 expand. the reason is aku dh pernah gagal dlu sbb laju sgt expand. i learned my lessons, and this time im taking it one step at a time
i hope this explanation will give you a better understanding about sambal nyet. ini bukan sambal oem yg sub kat mana2 company. i spent my own savings and tears for the past 4 years to create it 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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