How long will it take for the anger directed at those who warned of the impact of a hard Brexit to be directed instead at those who conned people into voting for it in the first place?
No amount of “believing more in Britain” is going to change the future economic reality. What will change that reality is for those of us who once argued for a rethink on Brexit now to provide an actual option people can vote for.
That option needs to be clear, inspirational and ultimately lead to Britain rejoining the EU. #RejoinEU
There aren’t any half-measures here. Being part of the EU single market/customs union and unable to influence its rules would be rightly unacceptable to the British people. Being out of the EU entirely means missing out on a lot for dubious gain, as we’re starting to see...
We need to offer a path ahead that everyone can get behind - both remain voters and the growing number of people who are realising they were had by Tory Vote Leave lies
I can’t help but think we’re like Leeds Utd here - a great club, once a power in European football. Despite two painful relegations, its committed fans never stopped believing in the club whilst it overcame significant internal challenges & slowly worked its way back to success.
Leeds Utd, a club with a rich history, has managed to turn around its situation & become a top team again. Europe might beckon once more. That’s what I now want for Britain - to get back to the Champions League! I just hope in the case of Britain it doesn’t take 20 years to do so
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