I'm sorry but Baddiel randomly tagging in Diane Abbott to complain about Luciana Berger being abused, and then using her response as evidence of progressives ignoring antisemitism, is absolutely hilarious. https://twitter.com/TKispeter/status/1358240006683426816
I dunno, if you wanted to make a point about antisemitism maybe just make it, rather than going to 'this wouldn't be on if it was this black woman who gets more abuse than most!' then inviting further abuse for her by suggesting her 'yes, stop doing this' response is racist?
Bonus points for suggesting that a black woman who experiences racism on a daily basis is engaging in 'All Lives Matter'. Not at all something a self-important idiot who's totally lost all sense of what he's actually trying to say beyond 'people are mean to me online' would do.
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