W-END RANT Have watched the Wolf of W S yesterday. Kind of reminds me of Fintwit with 80% of accounts being either headless chickens running around or whats worse wanna be copies of Jordan Belfort - many pump & dumpers with 1000s of followers promoting shite shares to newbies 1/7
2/7 One could wonder why these practices are still so popular, but answer seems to be very simple - like in the movie- most uneducated investors want to get rich FAST so they get attracted to empty promises & stories about future potential. These are very easy to sell...
3/7 And once they put money into a shite share & (3 out of 4 times) lose it - others are tweeting BS like "no one should be happy of other PIs losing money on the market" - REALLY? You are part of the problem. Instead of educating and criticizing bad investment choices you are
4/7 offering them moral absolution. If you are not brave enough to highlight the bad and the ugly within the community, then better stay quiet. Its very healthy to have a public shaming from time to time, to discourage others from unethical behaviours in the future.
5/7 What also makes me laugh is tweets suggesting that "if someone is not invested in a company, he should not be talking about it" Yeah- im pretty sure the J Belforts of twitter would want to see as little viewpoint opposition as possible. You are part of the problem as well
6/7 There are always plenty of attacks towards everyone who dares to disagree. So listen you little sh*ts - I made it my side hobby to highlight & make fun of dishonest ramps, so if you are part of the above, I will enjoy making some of your days more miserable :*
7/7 To all others out there - I hope we will all actively try to turn Fintwit into a stronger community, especially for new investors, who in the future might become better than us and in return increase our own knowledge/share good investment ideas. Thank you for your attention.
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