1/ how to manage your investors - a short thread

i am always talking to my portfolio company founders about how to work with investors.

remember, founders, investors work for you!

a great place to start - @briannekimmel's piece https://wfh.substack.com/p/three-ways-to-activate-your-army
2/ at a minimum, send out investor updates. they're as much for you to track your progress as they are for investors.

here's a simple template i use @CoinSharesCo Ventures and my angel portfolio.

quarterly is a must, but monthly helps in the early days.

3/ you cannot lead if you are unwell! manage your mental state.

get sleep. get sunlight. create space to do the things that nourish you.

DMs are always open. a coach, therapist, or mental health pro is a great resource!

kudos to @alexisohanian for leading the way w 776 VC.
4/ stay focused.

set the mission. make sure everyone knows the mission. keep everyone, including yourself, accountable for delivering against the mission.

a good way to track? focus on metrics.

@tradeparadigm puts it all on their public website! https://www.paradigm.co/platform-activity
5/ your most precious resource is time and focus.

if things aren't working, CUT THEM OUT.

stop any management drag by cutting employees that aren’t performing. you need to save your resources, but more importantly, your energy and your team’s energy and focus.
6/ and the last and most important - have empathy.

for yourself. for your team. for customers. for your family and friends.

you are in THE STRUGGLE. it never goes away, it just changes form.

nothing is ever as good or as bad as it seems. and you're doing great!

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