Let me summarize.
1. When Muslims persecuted Khalsa, Udasis protected the Gurudwaras
2. When Guru Gobind Singh asked Banda Bairagi for help, Khalsa betrayed him
3. When Sikh Empire ended, Khalsa Sikhs converted to Hinduism but Udasis held fort - again. https://twitter.com/al_penliebe/status/1358096464086405120
4. 1857 Rebellion, Khalsa was the first to support the British.
5. When Arya Samaj was supporting them from Muslim and Christian conversions, they fought with Arya Samaj and declared "Sikhs are not Hindus"
6. Khalsa siezed Gurudwaras from Udasis - not for religion but for money.
And who are the Sikhs? Not the Udasis who protected Sikhism unwaveringly. It's the Khalsa who shirked responsibility at every turn of the road and helped everyone who opposed the ideas of the Gurus - they are the true Sikhs.
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