The challenge Liverpool’s press could pose and how City might try to overcome it 1/
Many previous Liverpool vs City encounters have been noted for their frantic pace, often set by the pressing game of Liverpool’s front 3.
City’s current set up at the back in possession - in a 3, rather than the 4 - could be a big difference this time 2/
In previous seasons we’ve seen Liverpool’s front 3 press City’s backline with the support of the midfield and even the full backs. It’s made it very difficult for City to play out and has resulted in dangerous turnovers high up the pitch 3/
City’s shift to a back 3 in possession creates a different dynamic.
At Stamford Bridge and Old Trafford recently we got a small taster of what we could be in for today with Chelsea sporadically pressing high and United pressing high throughout the first half 4/
Against Chelsea, City’s set up is clear. 3 at the back spread across the width of the pitch with Cancelo pushed into midfield.
When Chelsea’s front 3 pressed City there was no numerical advantage for the defence.
But City do have some tools to deal with these situations 5/
The first is utilising the goalkeeper as a centre back. In these examples from Old Trafford Dias has shifted left allowing Steffen to step into the right centre back role and form a back 4. Dias even took goal kicks to create this situation. City regain the numerical advantage 6/
It’s a dangerous tactic and can create situations where Dias is dragged further left from his central position. This can leave a huge space ahead of Steffen and in this example Martial is alone in the penalty area. Something City will need to guard against today 7/
Further up the pitch City repeat the trick on occasion with Rodri dropping into the back 4 when Dias moves left or right. He plugs a gap to help progress possession 8/
Someone else who can occasionally drop into the backline to take the ball is Bernardo.
There’s probably no one more comfortable progressing possession for City than Bernardo and he sometimes drops deep to carry the ball forward himself 9/
Cancelo typically moves ahead of the Rodri when City have possession but it’s also not unusual to see him form a double pivot with Rodri to give the backline more options 10/
City will need be at their best at the back today if Pep deploys the 3-1-3-3 in possession.
Implementing some of these plays might help counter Liverpool’s press 11/
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