1/ Tens of thousands of people are marching in downtown Yangon today to call for an end to military rule and the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and others detained in the coup. The protests are many times larger than yesterday’s and have so far been peaceful. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
2/ Protesters met at Hledan Junction from 9am and marched in groups towards Sule Pagoda, attracting more people as they went. Frontier reporters are with several of the groups and estimate there are tens of thousands in each – there could be well over 50,000 on the street today.
3/ Tens of thousands have congregated close to Sule Pagoda, where a fairly small number of riot police had set up a perimeter blocking the entrance to the area outside City Hall, and a truck with water cannons was parked. The atmosphere was peaceful rather than confrontational
4/ Demonstrators chanted “Amay Su chet chin hlut” – “release mother Suu immediately” – and handed roses to police manning barricades, while a handful of soldiers watched on from a balcony in City Hall.
5/ Most of the 1st group at Sule Pagoda have already left and are marching towards Shwedagon, but another large group is heading west along Anawrahta Road after coming over Pansodan Bridge. There’s a lot of ebb and flow, with people peeling off and others spontaneously joining.
6/ A third large group led by activists Ei Ei Moe and Maung Saungkha are passing Western District Hospital on their way to downtown. They are telling onlookers, “Please come out on the street. We are going to Sule. Come and join. Don’t stay home. Please come out.”
7/ Many are heeding their call. All along the demonstration routes many people are clapping, cheering and giving three-finger salutes from the street or their balconies. Stay tuned for further updates on #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
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