WHY BBS RALPH — A very long thread

It breaks my heart and saddens me knowing that there is a high possibility that Ralph will be tonight’s evictee. It was just his first time being nominated after achieving ZERO nomination points 5-week straight! Let me encourage you to vote:
[1] Journey to PBB

One of the many reasons why I admire Ralph is his attitude of NEVER GIVE UP. His dreams started when he was a young fan boy, went to France and gave up his dreams of becoming an artist, BUT tried to audition again even he failed several times.
You see, how he got into PBB is not as easy as one try. It was a very rough and rocky road for Ralph. He started by just dreaming, experienced being a die-hard fan of the show, auditioned to PBB, even got into acting for extras.
Another is that HE IS A RISK TAKER. He sacrificed so much just to be in PBB right now, even if some of his relatives/friends believe that it’s not yet the right time for him to join. But he knew that opportunity like this knocks only once and so he grabbed it.
[2] OFW Representation
Ralph embodies the life of every OFW. Even if it’s hard, he mustered his courage because he needs to stand up for his family. He changed for the better. He matured as he experienced it first-hand how life can be so challenging especially being an OFW.
*Thread in progress*
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