mannnnnn malcom & marie was so good. really hit the nail on the head when it comes to whites attempting to critique black culture, unconditional love, communication/understanding + nitty gritty of two ppl in a relation and the anchors of said relationship.
what holds you to the relationship and it also spoke heavily of creatives being in a relationship and using each other as muses and how that can blur a lot of lines. it also spoke heavily of appreciation communicating appreciation and how harbored feelings can cause intensified
problems when held on to for too long
this movie, to me, from what i seen on twitter, tested the limits of a lot of ppl’s love. all the screaming and blatant truths were too much for a lot of ppl, but honestly, i feel like, who the fuck other than your lover can be so raw and brutally truthful to you? your family can
i guess and some ppl might rather a family member be that way than a lover. but honestly i’d like my partner to show me what i can’t see in myself because that’s true love. james baldwin taught me that. i see nothing wrong with it.
the tone, and cinematography; camera angles, panning etc empathized the emotions within the moment and the dialogue. gave that shit true magnitude.
the ending felt like a cliffhanger to me although malcom apologized and marie basically accepted the apology. he woke up to find her outside the next morning (a new day.. new opportunity to be better) but who knows honestly where they go from there.
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