Why are atlético seem like they’re unbeatable this season | A thread |
This thread it’s going to talk about how good Simone tricky Colchoneros are on their way to the la liga title and how flexible this team has became
As of right now atlético sit in first place in la liga with 7 ( potentially 10 )points clear and with a game in hand
Last season compared to previous seasons atlético looked a bit off due to griezmann departure to Barca who is very important to them and not replacing him properly and lack of goals scored up front by the strikers
Also they lost key players of their backline like players like Godin , Juanfran , Lucas Hernandez , Felipe Luis and Rodri leaving didn’t really helped matters as well
For most clubs losing so many key players like it’s usually catastrophic, at least for last season it was but the players they brought in little did atlético knew would turn up so good
( currency in dollars )
Let’s start with atlético Madrid stats from last season
3rd place
17 points off first
51 goals scored for the season
30.8 goals were expected to concede
1.32 goals p90 (.06 off their expected xG of 1.38
They were expected to score 52.6 goals last campaign (-1.6 )
Now let’s get into current season
1st place 7 points clear ( potential 10)
They conceded 10 goals fewest in Europe as of right now
Already 40 goals scored this season
2.05 goals scored p90 over performing their (1.40 xG)
They also have exceeded their xG for the season (26.6 )
Why are they so good in this particular moment ?
Diego Simeone decided to change up the traditional 4-4-2 he usually plays he decided to play a 3-5-2 formation which the players have been flourishing in and the amount of goals Suarez brings in also helps a lot
This atlético side is so flexible because of the players they have for example Llórente one game can play as a wingback the next as a defensive midfielder, the next game as a number 8 , this team can easily play 4-4-2 3-5-2 , 4-1-4-1 without really changing anything important
The front two in Suarez and felix have been wonderful together unlike last season , Felix role this season is extremely similar to firmino at Liverpool , he has improved as a player a lot compared to last season he links up with Suarez perfectly his movement off the ball is good
This system is based of the roots of Catenaccio here’s an example of this a quick counter attack with few a touches to score a goal
End of thread likes and retweets are appreciated
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