"...reports and the media focus primarily on the role of government, for the most part it is not governments that do the polluting or deforesting — it is large industrial and multinational companies like #Cargill." https://stories.mightyearth.org/cargill-worst-company-in-the-world/#article
" #Cargill is the corporate behemoth at the nexus of the global industrial #agriculture system, a system that it has designed to convert large swaths of the planet into chemically dependent industrial scale #monocultures to produce cheap meat, palm oil, and chocolate."
In addition to their role in creating a market for deforestation-based #soy, we found that #Cargill finances land-clearing operations deep in virgin #forest, building silos and roads, then buying and shipping #grain to the US, China, and Europe to feed chickens, pigs, and cows."
"In July 2005, the International Labor Rights Fund (ILRF) filed suit against #Cargill on behalf of Malian children who were TRAFFICKED from Mali into Côte d’Ivoire and forced to work twelve to fourteen hours a day with no pay, little food and sleep, and frequent beatings."
"Runoff pollution from corn & soybeans, of which #Cargill is 1 of the nation’s (US) top processors, is responsible for more than half of nitrogen & a quarter of the phosphorus that finds its way into the Gulf Mexico, causing an annual dead zone from algal blooms the size of NJ."
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