Tony DeAngelo’s chances, a list:
1. If your first chance is just anything before you’re given a second chance, he was born into privilege as white kid from Jersey whose parents could afford to put him in AAA hockey and move him to the USHL at 14 (youngest player in the league!).
1. He’s infamously a problem in minor hockey, racking up 176 PIMs in 29 games at 13.
2. He’s suspended in his NHL draft year for violating the league’s harassment, abuse, and diversity policy when he abuses an official.
3. He’s suspended a second time for violating the same policy in the same season, this time for abuse of a teammate.
4. In the same year of both violations, DeAngelo is drafted 19th overall in the NHL Draft. A year later, the OHL and CHL still award him their top D trophy.
5. Before he ever plays a game for the Lightning, he’s traded to the Coyotes.
6. In his first and only season with the Coyotes, he’s suspended once more for abuse of an official.
7. In the offseason, the Coyotes trade the 21-year-old to the Rangers, his third NHL team.
8. DeAngelo spends his career in New York peddling in racism, election-rigging conspiracy theories, and pandemic downplaying. The Rangers award him with a $9.6M contract.
9. He’s benched for two games after taking an unsportsmanlike penalty in the season opener, prompting a downward spiral that results in a dust-up with a teammate and his third team’s decision to demote its fifth-highest paid player.
10. A discussion about a second chance begins.
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