Forgive me if I’m harsh on the drama queen squad set. We all have our real world fears, challenges, and heart breaks. My best friend is fighting stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and I just don’t have the time to stomach their hysterics.
Congressional members half a mile away from any danger can really shut the fuck up at any time now.
So I had 6 people I was good friends with, close to, die my Jr & Sr year of HS. They remind me of what we called the Wailers. People who suddenly proclaimed to be BFF w/ the deceased & thus more distraught than any of us. Garnered all the sympathy, played on emotions. WAILED.
Beyond the insult of it all, it was just fucking embarrassing. Some people bought it & appeased, soothed, & otherwise attended to them. Others saw right through their bullshit & didn’t entertain it at all. Those of us that knew, just dismissed them entirely. Fuck all the way off.
These are the people that seized on every opportunity to get attention. To make themselves the focus. The most aggrieved. The most affected. The most sympathetic. I can smell it from a mile away. I saw it in AOC from the fucking get go. She wasn’t just obnoxious, she’s a Wailer.
It was hard to speak against the type even back then. How dare you question their grief or experience? How can you judge? So you see, Wailers make for the perfect liberal politician these days. Impossible to challenge because they are fortified by their emotional infallibility.
The Wailers are impervious. Your credibility is risked if you dare so question or cross. It is as it ever was, they just found a way to capitalize on their wicked duplicity to gain power over more than just their immediate and limited circle. God save us all.
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