Wow I hadn’t seen this. I’m familiar with pretty much all of this now from my research but I wasn’t before. It’s why I never suspected I had ADHD. It wasn’t until I learned about those things below the line that it I realized I probably did.
I’ve struggled with almost every one of those things below the line at some point or other. Some of them have been very present through my entire life from childhood on.
This may be one that had the biggest negative impact on my life.
If I find something exciting and interesting, I can crush it. I did this thing where I find a topic I’m interested in and I learn a bunch about it in a pretty short period of time. At one point I could have told you a lot about 1970s German terrorism.
But if I find something boring or tedious, it’s can be so difficult to work up the energy to do it. Like I will know I need to do the thing and I just can’t bring myself to. I either got As in classes in high school or barely passed. They could all have been As.
When I was talking with @dustychipura she mentioned that ADHD brains tend to embrace novelty. I think @QuinnyPig mentioned this in his great thread about ADHD too. My hope is that the Ritalin will help with my focus but I still am going to need to find roles where I have novelty.
One of the biggest positives about learning these things has been to be able to let myself off the hook some for the times I’ve failed. And to be real I have failed a lot.
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