Today on "Who Wants to be an Extremist-aire?" or something clever and funny. A thread.

#Portland #PDX #PortlandProtests #DefendPDX #OlympiaProtest #Olympia #Washington #DefendOly
We open with the first of numerous exchanges(more on that to come) between Alissa Azar and Behindenemylines, where he begins what will be a recurring theme of describing how he was "jumped" at ICE.
More "please show sympathy" rhetoric about being beaten up from Behindenemylines. He's then promptly being shut down by @suzettesmith who is having absolutely none of his shit.
In a continuation from the previous exchange, Behindenemylines turns his attention to @PDocumentarians Describing them as fake press, and remarking that they're the reason he's out here. Interestingly, he describes his intent for doxxing people multiple times later on.
Behindenemylines makes homophobic remarks, performs a denigrative parody of the disabled, then openly states that he intends to harass people. A typical day in the life of a right wing extremist.
Behindenemylines continues to lie about being jumped while becoming increasingly belligerent. Describing "antifa press" as the scum of the Earth.
A supercut of Behindenemylines accosting Alissa Azar. As a side note, @R3volutiondaddy tazing Jake is a sitcom I would binge watch. And I'd probably cry during the season finale.
A self proclaimed legislator in the state of Washington and republican gives Behindenemylines a taste of his own medicine, antagonizing him for wearing a mask. Meanwhile, Behindenemylines is convinced that they're a leftist.
Continuing the exchange, Behindenemylines tells the aforementioned that his job doesn't matter and that he'll be replaced. The man counters by alluding to the possibility that Behindenemylines might just be E X T R E M E.
Standing up to bullies is badass. An independent journalist tells Behindenemylines that they're not intimidated by him.
A fellow right winger points out Behindenemylines' attempts at incitement. He counters by telling them that it's his job to make others feel ashamed. A stunning display of the legality of his business license.
In a visual aid to @LauraJedeed's fantastic thread(It's a riot. Seriously, check that out.) and a hilarious case of mistaken identity, Behindenemylines is called a Marxist and an antifascist. This gave me a good laugh, too. You fucking hippy.
While turning his attention back to the independent journalists, Behindenemylines does the worst impression of AAVE that I've ever heard. Maybe don't appropriate other cultures, you freaking dweeb.
Behindenemylines finally admits that he's "spreading false shit" about the independent journalists he's been harassing. He then turns his attention to a Getty images photographer, who was invited by the organizer, to denounce them as a leftist.
You can follow @BehindEnemaLies.
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