This guy was filming BLM/Antifascist faces at Stone Mountain and hanging out with 3%-er Chris Hill.

I tend to believe everyone calling him out as a problem.
Digging into the archive about this guy. I know I've kept an eye on him for a long time.
Here's Ford Fischer, of News2Share, and Chris Hill, of Georgia Security Force III% discussing protecting the N*zis at their Stone Mountain rally on 8/15/2020.
This is in regards to Ford Fischer, of New2Share.
This is one of my favorite bad guy clips of all time. Georgia Security Force III% leader, Chris Hill, is caught running away by News2Share's Ford Fischer. Chris Hill was spooked that the cops were coming (How did he know? They were.) and running away. He removed all of his gear.
These guys that he was hanging out with kept attacking BLM/Antifascists then running away and pretending to preach. It was boog sh*t.
Here I directly call out Ford Fischer, of News2Share, covering for the folks I just said were attacking the crowd.
This is in regards to Ford Fischer, of News2Share, working closely with Chris Hill of the Georgia Security Force III% and working against BLM/Antifascists.
Here's Ford Fischer of News2Share giving himself permission to film faces.
Here's Ford Fischer welcoming Chris Hill back after he snuck out earlier. "I see you came back to the party place. I see you came back."
Here's Ford Fischer disappointed that Cops didn't police Antifascists more. What a leading question, he wanted them to get hurt.
News2Share and Ford Fischer posted up with The Angry Viking when nationalists invaded Louisville as well.
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