Last night, the Supreme Court largely sided with South Bay United Pentecostal Church, permitting indoor gathering and worship but keeping in place attendance caps and bans on indoor singing. Lots of good commentary from @stevenmazie @ProfLWiley @steve_vladeck. But too few gifs /1
Roberts, CJ
And in response to Justice Kagan's burn that life tenure shields justices from any meaningful accountability or repercussions
I mean that quite literally. He uses "because they are"
Barrett, J up next with her first paragraph as a justice
She, with Kavanaugh, agrees with Gorsuch. But for now, on this record, no indoor singing
Gorsuch, J, with Thomas: singing is great
Have you seen Hollywood?!?! It's all dancing and singing and crowding into super markets and malls
But mostly, Gorsuch, J:
"Government actors have been moving the goalposts on pandemic-related sacrifices for months, adopting new benchmarks that always seem to put restoration of liberty just around the corner."
And finally, Kagan J. with Sotomayor and Breyer:
The justices are safe and secure and probably vaccinated and yet still home. " if this decision causes suffering, we will not pay."
Oops, I left out Alito, J. Who honestly is the Jan of this order, and probably the Court
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