#DezNat abortion real talk thread.
Been thinking about what happened recently with the "baby murderer" BYU comment, and it's concerning.

The young women (and men) of our church should have been taught the overwhelmingly persuasive arguments against abortion by now. The debate is over. We won.
Do young LDS women understand what an abortion looks like? I think explaining the actual medical procedure, or showing them pictures or videos of one would be enough to educate them on the evils of this practice. "There is a wisdom in revulsion."
Explaining that leftover unborn baby hearts and brains and lungs are sold to Chinese pharmaceutical companies while the rest of their tiny bodies get thrown into landfills--maybe this is too "death metal," but it's the reality of the world we live in. They have a right to know.
>>"but it's her body--her choice!"
We basically agree on this! However, the abortion argument is whether the unborn child is a separate body (it is). Keep in mind it has its own separate DNA and heartbeat.
>>"but a fetus could never survive outside the womb--therefore it is part of the mother's body!"
Infants can't survive on their own outside the womb. But this doesn't mean they should be killed. Also, there is no such thing as a generic "fetus," there is only a "human fetus."
>>"so would you rather let a child be born to a single mom and grow up in violence and poverty?!"
A child born out of wedlock is the result of natural and worthy desires of women to be intimate with men and to become mothers. Poor women who abort always have more children later.
>>"but what about RAPE and INCEST?!"
99% of abortions in the U.S. are done for convenience reasons.
>>"well I don't believe in abortion, but that doesn't mean we should take the right away from others!"
If we believe that abortion is taking a human life--which God has said that it is--it ought to be illegal. Sanctioning women to commit this sin is wrong. It hurts their souls.
>>"Isn't it better that it's legal so that women aren't getting back-alley abortions? They'll do it anyway!"
Removing legal abortion would incentivize the poor to stop having sex out of wedlock. This would encourage the formation of families. Abortion creates poverty.
The Family Proc states: We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society.
Abortion inflicts generational trauma on the poor as it decimates their communities. It disrupts the family unit.

The Lord cares about the poor. He has asked his followers to help them. And he has said we should oppose abortion openly and vocally.
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