One of the reasons I wanted to start this page is because of my long battle with depression and anxiety. What many of you don’t know is I almost took my life years ago. I had traveled far away and was ready to put a end to this life. Something came over me
That saved my life. I’m not sure who or what is was, but I am beyond thankful. After that I reached out for help and I haven’t looked back since. I’ve tried my best to pay it forward and help others out and that I’d where this account comes in.
It’s important for me to have people know you’re not alone. Being alone can be one of the scariest things on this planet. I don’t want you to ever feel that way. A lot of you will be strangers to me but when it comes to mental health you will be family.
We are all worthy of this beautiful life. I want what we have of this life to be beautiful and full of smiles (and a lot of #NHLBruins wins)
You can follow @YoureOK13.
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