In this episode, Dr. Cooper spends some time talking about the anonymous book, Theologica Germanica, which Luther praised. He also talks about how Calvin condemned the book as “dangerous.”

Well, Calvin made his mark on c17th England, because TG was a favorite of those who were
accused of antinomianism. Stanford U’s David Como distinguishes between “inherentist/perfectionist” and “imputationist” antinomians. The first group seemed to like TG the most. Thus, it was a banned book in the 1630s (before puritans came to power!). But even Edward Fisher, who
wrote the Marrow of Modern Divinity, was accused of smuggling & selling TG.

Interestingly, the imputationist antinomians liked Luther the most - causing Samuel Rutherford to write a book defending Luther against these antinomians. Yet the truly bizarre inherentist/perfectionist
antinomians read and distributed TG.

Just goes to show that c17th English Reformed didn’t get Luther at this point.
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