I cannot trust anyone who cites a rise in teenage suicide rates as a reason to reopen school buildings, but isn’t willing to fund more school psychologists and counselors.
I cannot trust anyone who cites an increase in child abuse as a reason to reopen school buildings, but isn’t willing to fund giving every school a dedicated, full-time social worker.
I cannot trust anyone who cites that it’s unhealthy for students to sit and stare at a screen as a reason to reopen school buildings, but isn’t willing to fund more physical ed teachers and fund giving every school a dedicated, full-time nurse.
I cannot trust anyone who argues that students of color and economically-disadvantaged students are falling further behind as a reason to reopen school buildings, but still supports policies which further segregate our schools along lines of race and income.
I cannot trust anyone who calls school staff “front-line workers” with one breath, but then uses the next breath to say school staff do not need to be vaccinated to be safe.
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