TRAVELING 🧳 #adventure #Travel thought I’d share my 1cent
I love love love traveling be it in the country or outside. I remember my first out of the province trip was to Durban when I was 12yrs. After matric I traveled to Cape Town (17yrs first time and alone).
There’s a myth that traveling is expensive and one should wait until they have acquired lots of mula 💵before you can travel. I’d like to de-mythify 😜that way of thinking because in all honesty you might just die/reach pension years without having acquired all that money
Now before one travels I think the following questions must be asked:
1. Why do you want to travel
2. Where do you want to travel
3. How are you going to fund your trip
4. What do you want to achieve from traveling
5. How much are you willing to spend
6. Are you traveling alone or not
7. What will your preferences be during travels
8. Are you traveling for leisure/adventure/work/etc
9. Are you doing it for yourself/family/masses/etc
10. Personally, what does traveling entails and means to you
Question 5 is what I want to discuss. How much are you willing to spend or how much can you afford? Now let me simplify this question, affordability differs from person to person neh. One can afford to save R200pm for a year towards a holiday.
Another person might afford R500pm, and the next person might afford to save R2000pm. You can still find someone with a surplus income of 20kpm, or another person who has saved up 50k to fund his/her travels. Obviously all this budgets will cater to different traveling needs
It is important that one plans his/her travels based on what they can afford. Traveling to BelaBela or Sterkspruit or Togo or Djibouti will not make you an insignificant traveler compared to the person that travels to Paris/Dubai/Saudi/New York.
What matters is that you have travelled and NOBODY will ever take that experience away from you. Now if you want to travel, please by all means go have the time of your life. I will only caution that you travel to where your 💵allows you to go not where the mass wants you to go
I’m by no means a travel expert but just simply sharing my opinion on traveling as someone that loves traveling and try to travel as much as my bank account allows me.
@ms_tourist @African_Odyzzee please share your thoughts
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