1. Black Americans, Native Americans and all American People of Color have been the victims of White propaganda for centuries. Race is a fiction but racism is sadly all too real and is advanced by the continuation of the original Big Lie. Study #Anthropology. It can set you free.
2. But it's not limited to Whites. What is happening in China with Uighurs uses the current version of the Big Lie to claim that they're all affiliated with terrorism to justify genocide. Turkey does it with Kurds and @NATO looks on in complic silence.
3. Prior to Xi and his current radical Central Military Commission, the CCP had been less overtly racist. I suspect, as in past times, the growth of Western, in particular, US racism is being met with master race counter-Propaganda. We see it in China, withe radical Hindu
4. extremism in India and in Turkey. We should make the price of Apartheid policies whether in in US Congressional districts, China, India or Turkey economically costly.
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