You know what adjusts for inflation on a regular basis?

The maximum donation you can make to a politician in NC.

You know what doesn’t adjust for inflation?

The minimum wage.

That’s a disparity that’s easy to explain - but impossible to defend.
It’s crucial that the next minimum wage hike is paired with an automatic inflation adjustment going forward.

That’s what will keep us from getting into another mess like this in the future, where we go several years too long in between wage hikes.
What I generally hear from businesses about this is that they want predictability. That’s perfectly reasonable.

They should know that the minimum wage is going up each year, relative to inflation - just like the *all their other expenses* do.
Because we’ve neglected it for over a decade, now we have to play catch-up.

We can avoid that in the future with inflation adjustment.

This should be considered just as important as the overall amount because, over time, it will be.
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