One of my fave TAs here has a small following (both on Twitter and YouTube), yet is one of the best and makes great calls that have played out.

Why doesn't he get more attention? He's a full-time TA, so he's not constantly tweeting/posting videos..
2/7 (unlike yours truly lol).

There's a lesson in this. Our psychology is such that we pay attention to the people/things pushed in front of our faces more. Just makes sense right?
3/7 The danger is that in paying more attention to the clown juggling in front of us than the guy who's at work getting shit done, we end up distracted by a fool instead of learning from a master (again, yours truly 🤡 lol).
5/7 So while it's awesome to pick up ideas that warrant further research from the folks who are in front of us all the time, don't ignore the ones with less of a following, and definitely research outside this space to find new gems.
6/7 Example, ADA is doing really well today, and that's awesome, but if you were new to crypto that may be the only thing you see and so you think it's the only thing worth putting money into. You'd end up missing gems like XRP, HBAR and others.
7/7 Usually the crypto everybody's talking about is the one with the least gains left to get. So widen your net, do the research and don't miss out on the underdog that could make you rich.
(Incidentally, the TA I was talking about in #1 is @CryptoBullGod. Definitely give him a follow.)
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