Continuing from the Venus/Inanna thread, the Moon also deserves to reclaim her power.

How quick we are to forget that the Greek goddess of the Moon was Artemis! If we want to talk about Hellenistic astrology and its origins, we cannot ignore her role as a huntress. 🧵
There is something strange about how the Moon is understood here in Astro Twitter. The Moon is one of the most important bodies in astrology, as she moves quickly through the signs, and we track her phases and recognize her power for conducting magic. Externally she is treated +
as a very strong and active force to be reckoned with.

Why then does that not translate to how we treat Lunar energy in her domicile and exaltation?

Cancer and Taurus are frequently treated as inferior outliers in their respective trinities, regardless of what is placed +
there. Is that any way to treat the Moon's favored signs?

Artemis was associated with childbirth, yes, that has carried over to the Moon, but where is her association with virginity? With deer and the hunt? Of mountains?

It seems that these were stripped from her as well. +
Her association with virginity was given to Virgo? The hunt, to Sagittarius? Mountains, to Capricorn?

The Moon is then left with all sorts of things that patriarchy deemed as weak or unimportant bc it's "feminine". The Moon was saddled with emotions, considered less important +
than the Sun (even though Artemis was the ELDER of the twins, with Apollo, the Sun god, as her brother), with motherhood, domesticity, etc.

Cancer, the Moon's domicile, has thus suffered from the watering down of the Moon. How many descriptions out there have painted Cancer +
as a pushover or coward? "Does the most", "cries at everything", "hides in their shell", the exception is always, ALWAYS, that they're "manipulative" and "passive aggressive" as if deceit and underhandedness is the only way Cancer achieves anything. Not to mention how many +
times Cancer is forgotten as a CARDINAL sign. Your Mars bias is showing.

Can we start making connections for Cancer and the Moon that DON'T focus on their value merely as spouses, parents, or secondary roles? Oh yes, the Moon is the biggest and brightest object in the night +
sky! But "Cancer/Taurus is a side character"? Make it make sense. The devaluation and willful ignorance of their individuality and capability is rampant.

Cancer and Taurus get pushed aside when they have dignified planets, they get pushed aside when they have undignified +

People will be all over detrimented placements in other signs. Sun in Aquarius. Venus in Aries/Scorpio. Moon/Jupiter in Capricorn. Moon in Scorpio. BELOVED!

Mars in Taurus? Complaining.
Mars in Cancer? Radio silence.
Saturn in Cancer? Crickets.
Moon in Cancer? Oh no, +
you're feeling an emotion! Like that's a bad thing or makes you "weak" 🙄 must be hard to talk while you suck the cock of toxic masculinity.

Anyway, the Moon is a badass and stands strong in her own right. She doesn't have to produce her own light to hold sway over the tides. +
You think she doesn't see you pay lip service to her authority and then turn around and disrespect her children? Try her and see how it goes. She illuminates in darkness and sees through your shadows.
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