We will continue spotlighting our brave activists through the duration of the hunger strike.

Today we feature Breanna Bertacchi ( @bbertacchi15)
Breanna is a Senior Research Coordinator, member of @united10thward, and a resident of South Chicago. They are new to the neighborhood, but have been motivated by the community movements, actions and teach-ins focused on demanding The City of Chicago deny General Iron's permit
“The 10th ward has a long history of being the city's dumping grounds. I am committing to a hunger strike to demonstrate to the city how appalled we are that this permit is even under consideration in our industrially-overburdened ward.”
“We have made the decision to restrict food intake (despite the coronavirus pandemic) to draw attention to and demand the denial of the permitting of General Iron's operations.”
“Our air is not the same as the rest of the city's - and our communities and youth deserve the same consideration and protections that other wards receive.”
I'll take this quote from a fellow organizer "If General Iron wasn't good enough for Lincoln Park, why is it good enough for the Southeast Side?"

#denythepermit #StopGeneralIron #hungerstrike #environmentalracism
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