Of the important aspects of this story of Ibram X. Kendi being frank about gender identity is this argument here.

This does not happen. White kids do not do this. There is no force in our society that inspires white people to say 'I'm happy I'm white.'
The act of doing so is considered a grotesque taboo which may be intentionally expressed by those trying to be controversial or by those who have embraced race essentialism and adopted white identity.

But in real life, this is simply a fantasy.
I've run into this for years with race essentialist advocates who assume everyone is as obsessed with their own race as they are.

They fantasize about what white people think, believe, talk about when POC aren't around and so on.

But its all fantasy.
They build so much theory around these fantasies they refuse to challenge or evaluate with evidence.

They validate it by imposing their own standards, typically that if a white person denies engaging in these secretive acts of racism it just proves they are racist.
I say this largely because there is no social trigger that would create such an identity in regular people who fall under the category of 'white.'

There is no larger white culture or identity. 'White people' do not do or believe things. There is no heritage or ethnicity there.
The only reason a person would consider being white as a positive aspect of who they are is if they embrace white identity - which is extraordinarily shamed in our society.

White people are generally only white people when others tell them they are.
The real truth, of course, is that 'black people' don't do or believe anything either. Neither do gay people or women or any other generalized group.

Culture, heritage and ethnicity influence individual character, but none of that is defined by or limited to skin color.
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