The big divide we're going to have going forward as a country is just how much lying is going to be acceptable, and I mean acceptable on number of fronts, when it comes to political speech.
The current dynamic reminds me of a debate around a family member with a substance abuse addiction who finally went way too far. Different family members have different coping strategies and the family members who are done start getting angry with the enablers.
There have been minimal, if any, lessons learned by what's transpired over the last few months. There has been no real demonstration of accountability or consequence. If you're okay with that, or okay enough, that you're not demanding a real course correction, then we're done.
Only one of us is coming to Thanksgiving. If that's the person who attempted a coup, and/or participated in an insurrection, and/or who continues to lie, then it's not going to be me.

Great for you that you've come to terms with it. I have not.
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