The Genderfck thing is bullshit but its ALSO predatory! This person is relying on their trans identity to make you more likely to trust them not to harm you. They're building on that by using safe-sounding language that further lulls you into thinking they're ALREADY a friend.
"(That's me!)" - redundant, centres self in cutesy way
"...chance to get live coaching from me... learn from watching me" - centres self and what they might do without promising anything

Notice how a lot of this is subjective, without guaranteeing outcomes or your needs
This all plants fear of having a "painful, dark, moody" time, and helps to suggest they're the antidote to that fear. It suggests you're holding yourself back, and they can tell you how to free yourself. It suggests transition CAN be positive... not asserts that it IS positive.
Incredibly casual, unprofessional language designed to make you believe they're helping you while they're just coaxing you to pay for something you can't afford and can get for free elsewhere.
"I/me" statements 7 times. They're trying to convince you, not focus on your needs.
"That's super real" - as if you need reassurance, friend language
"I don't want to minimize..." - centres them, not acknowledging permanent financial issues
"I created..." - advertising self, exaggerates client outcomes, positions self as "understanding" while not empathising
"I offer a free..." - self promotion, a way to access this parasocial relationship without paying, putting you in an environment that continuously promotes the thing you can't afford
"...something you really want to do" - plants this thought in underhanded way as if from yourself
"I want to stand beside you" - evoking physical relationship without stating they WILL do this
"and cheer you on" - says paying for this service is an accomplishment they support
"lets figure this shit out!" - as if they're already supporting you and helping you solve a problem
"I've had clients..." - restating their 'experience helping' trans people, creates 'other trans people did this, you can too' obligation/pressure without reminding you THEY'RE the one gatekeeping the service and implying their service is a normal/usual part of transition/support
"performing a service in person or online... or any number of things" - code for sex work with intentional plausible deniability, best case scenario is telling you to get a job, like you hadn't thought of that, with no acknowledgement thats difficult even when you're not trans
"may not be possible for you right this second" - implies it will be possible, and you should work towards giving them money eventually
"are there resources you could utilise more fully" - you should risk squeezing your existing support, if any, harder for cash to give to them
"Let me know your ideas!" - you have personal access to them already! Wow! As long as its discussing how to pay for their product.

I could go over the whole site but its all the same: Using language you'd use with your friends, setting up parasocial relationship with a saviour
They have the intentions of an advertising firm trying to convince you a company is your best friend in order to get your money, the proximity to trans community to mask this intent, and the warping of therapy language and manipulative techniques to make you believe you need them
Notice how every word on the site is promoting the idea that you're already friends, that they're already supporting you, that transition is scary, that they can fix all your nebulous problems and that they are a safe person that just wants to help you out.
Notice how, if this service had any interest in helping you, it would centre YOU. It would discuss YOUR needs, explicitly stating them and what they will do to meet them. It would be positive while staying professional, and feel genuine instead of hollow surface-level cheer.
The biggest red flag is as a trans person and a "liscensed therapist" (though not a psych), they know our communities are especially vulnerable to being preyed on by people manipulating anxiety, need for friends/connection/support, mental health, need to transition, isolation...
And everything I read, EVERY SINGLE aspect of this Clusterfck tells me they do know all that. And they're perfectly positioned to exploit it. And they think this is acceptable. And they think they can get away with it.
"Bonus!" - wow, exciting!
"One 1-1 session with Rae" - you must pay the full year to access this parasocial relationship privately, creates cycle of need/limited resource
Classic "you're not paying $100, you're ONLY paying $99!" psychology
Did I mention they state their alleged experience/ qualifications every chance they get, and yet through this service you are NOT their client? So why mention the qualifications? Why make this service if they already have 1-on-1 therapy clients, which is usually more profitable?
Conjecture: Their local community has sniffed out they're shit. They just want pure profit with less responsibility. They want an easy grift, promoting a casual but exclusive group that partially runs itself rather than 1-1 sessions that require oversight/paperwork/ethics.
Afterthought: I'm great at these weasel-words, because I survived a very difficult childhood where anything could be used against me; Don't admit anything while sounding like you are, give them what they want to hear but leave plausible deniability, never give clear "yes/no"
People who manipulate your expectations (companies, politicians etc) are great at weasel-words cause they want you to believe they'll do something, not do it, then say "well I never ACTUALLY said.."

Notice how there are no clear outcomes or examples of what the service provides?
"Here's EVERYTHING included:"

...access to a course, research-based roadmap, less suffering, guidance/support/coaching, access to a community that has your back, the chance to get, help guide, periodic bonus, growing resource library...

Lot of wriggle room if they don't provide
The main point is a 'course' you do yourself. The guidance/support/coaching they provide is not 1-1, so could even be generic or occasional engagement with the group. The group looks set up to do most of the work, so you're paying to get help and support the other people paying.
If anyone actually does pay for this grift, I reckon they'll be getting a very hands-off approach and probably a bunch of "sorry I haven't had time to engage" and "I can't answer that, if you want therapy you have to be a client. We can do that if you want! Only $$$..."
Fuck, thats the real grift isn't it
Wonder why they deleted this incriminating proof they love profiting off people's misfortune?
(ah fuck, I thought I could edit alt text on images after posting, sorry. I'm not posting a link to the website cause its fucked up, but happy to give the link in a DM or further explain/type up anything. Won't happen again.)
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