This is the problem with an RE curriculum that teaches imams are just Muslim priests, and mosques are just Muslim churches. Not to mention it presumes Zara's role is akin to the Archbishop. We shouldn't be afraid to ask for better religious literacy from our journalists.
The more relevant debates in recent years have been women's access to mosques and women ulema. All of which @MuslimCouncil have a strong track record on. Asking Muslims about female imams is like asking a Christian how many priests follow a madhab.
So I just want to add a bit of a pedantic point. I don't think comparative religious studies is inherently wrong, it's just often done poorly. I think it's entirely possible to compare, meaningfully and insightfully, different religions.
If you really want to compare an issue of religious leadership between Islam and Christianity, then I would argue ijaza and apostolic succession are the relevant concepts to work from. Not quite symmetrical, but more related than imam and priest.
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