For those of you asking what my storyboards look like BEFORE I put them into previs, here is an article from a couple of years ago about a scene I pitched to @MarvelStudios before I got the job of directing #GotG.
I don't think there's any such thing as over storyboarding. I do think there's such a thing as being such a slave to storyboards that you aren't open to new ideas on set (this is something I've only recently been better at). 100% prepare & 100% stay loose.
I always "see" action scenes first in my head. Depending on my mood & the scene itself, I can either sketch or write it first. But sketching first often helps me to create more cinematically & organically & not be overly reliant on dialogue.
Yes, I like traditional storyboards a lot either as a last stop before shooting or as the bedrock for previs. I will probably always sketch the whole movie (or TV show, like I'm doing now) before shooting.
Marvel has never prevised a whole film, though some directors do it more & more - a lot of that is for technical reasons, like figuring out where a CG character is. I don't need to previs for CG characters, but when I'm shooting a space battle, previs is extraordinarily helpful.
But usually I find my dumb sketches are the most helpful because they remind me exactly of what I imagined, & that's the best starting point for setting up a shot. On #TheSuicideSquad we did just a few minutes of previs for a two hour film, all for very technical stuff.
The opening of Vol 2 was complicated. First, I storyboarded it. Then, we shot me doing the Groot dance. Then, I did iPhone videos of the various shots (like this one of the move over the orloni as baby Groot hangs on). And then it went to previs.
I love telling stories & designing shots. Success or failure or whatever my feelings are in any given moment don't have anything to do with my commitment to or my love of those things. Action & movement despite my mood or feelings are my allies.
I almost never think about this, as I'm hyper focused on the storytelling & filmmaking for the years it takes to make a movie. That said, because I'm prepared, I've come in millions of dollars under budget on Guardians Vols. 1 & 2 and The Suicide Squad.
Directors not being prepared is the most common reason for going over budget. There can be a penalty for going over, as your box office bumps (if you get them) will start later than they would have. The only incentive is everyone wants to hire you.
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