$MAXR Technologies DD Thread. The company has many divisions, all related to space-based products/services on earth, near-earth, Lunar, Mars, & beyond, including: Space infrastructure, robotics, satellites, Earth Imagery, & SaaS. Current yrly rev is ~1.75B with ~900M Ebidta.
$MAXR Revenue/EBIDTA breakdown by the two major divisions: Earth Intelligence = ~$1.1B / 50.5% EBIDTA margin, & Space Infrastructure ~$706M / (2.4%). Like many space companies, the flash is not where the substance is for a profitable business. Earth Intelligence is where it is at
$MAXR Earth Intelligence is driven by the largest & most accurate image constellation & leading SaaS, a suite of capabilities/services/products: Real time orbital imagery & access to largest image data base, monitoring, Data Analytics, AI, mapping, & more

$MAXR has been the leading provider of these products/services for yrs, & has been aggressive in acquisitions of best of breed companies that can be bolted onto core offerings to make the suit even more robust & attractive, adding even more value to both products, driving growth.
$MAXR the next stage of growth in the Earth Intelligence division comes from two main components, the new Legion Constellation set to go into orbit by EOY 2021, & the recent acquisition of VRICON a 3D mapping software that integrates with MAXR's real time or historical data.
$MAXR Legion Constellation is the next-gen offering to their legacy Imagery constellation (which will still be in use & still best of breed). The old constellation is fully subscribed & with this new constellation it will "more than triples capacity".
$MAXR Legion integrates with Vircon a software that provides an optimized user experience for exploring the most accurate global 3D basemap available & enables users to add layers of information from own data sources. MAXR is becoming SaaS on steroids.
Both Legion/Vicron coming together for $MAXR in 2021 is a game changer & should lead to significant growth, potentially driving revenues to 4B+ annual run-rate, of which 75% of that is at a massive 50% ebidta margin (MAXR going to get a SaaS multiple?)
This combination of $MAXR imagery products has mainly been used by Federal, State, Local governments, research, & engineers, but many more potential customers are coming with the advent of 5g technology, AI, real time mapping for autonomous vehicles, climate change, & much more.
Markets/Technology/Governments love data companies & SaaS, & $MAXR has both, with a wide moat & unique positioning for certain data offerings at a high frequency & quality that no other company can offer, & with historical database can never be surpassed.
ARK's big ideas include space, which $MAXR is obviously apart of, but they are also instrumental for another big idea for mapping data for autonomous EV's & other automation. And another big idea was deep learning, & MAXR has that too...
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