🌟New realizations after rereading MDZS extras+🔞 bits🌟

Xue Yang’s courtesy name is ChengMei. According to the translator of the novel it means “to help fulfill the wishes of others” or “to become pretty”. XY doesn’t like when people use this name.

Lan Wangji’s bunnies are actually held within the Cloud Recesses territory.

I write this cause of conversations I had regarding the bunnies tweet, where the term “back hills” was mentioned several times. I think the back hills of the bunnies were shown only in the CQL
In the novel however, WWX brings them to LWJ because he “found them outside” and LWJ then agreed to keep them. When WWX returns to life he sees the bunnies on a grass patch in the cloud recesses. E.g: when he wakes up after his first night in the Jingshi the juniors take him to -
his donkey, on a “field of grass”. There he sees a lot of rabbits and the juniors tell him that this is HGJ’s rabbits. (chapter 19) They are located in the territory of CR because during this whole time WWX tried desperately to get the Jade Token to get *out* of the CR.
Next, in the family Banquet extra chapter, LWJ and WWX come to CR. LWJ tells WWX to wait outside, but they are *still* in CR. That is where WWX goes to play with the rabbits and sees a female cultivator. He is very surprised to see a female cultivator in the CR for the first time
Aslo, in Incense burner pt.2 chapter, where LWJ dreams about being 15/16 and meeting an older WWX, he first has a discussion with LXC about keeping the rabbits within the CR’s territory and that they should notify LQR.
I think it’s very important to stress the fact that the rabbits were kept in the CR, and not outside, in the forest or the hills, cause it's yet another example of how little by little LWJ started breaking the rules because of WWX. (drinking & hiding alcohol is the best example)

Lan Wangji and dirty talk.

There’s no need to remind that LWJ’s reactions to WWX’s teasing changes from when he was young to when he was older, after WWX’s resurrection. WWX says it himself a couple of times
but it’s not enough to say it, it has to be shown as well and MXTX does a good job at that. When he was young LWJ would be angered easily, and would answer WWX by “boring” or “pathetic”, “hmph!”, “Get lost!”, “Shameless!”, “not friends,” “not familiar”. In one word – “NO.”
After WWX came back to life, LWJ is shown as one who can retort quite smoothly. “Mark your words”, “[take your clothes off and] show me when we return”, “everyday means everyday”, “everyday…?”, “I can try tonight [doing wwx while handstanding]”, “Is it deep?” and several others.
While this cannot be actually considered as dirty talk, we understand with this statements that LWJ is much bolder than what he was before.
However, LWJ probably DOES dirty talk from time to time during their love making, and it’s probably so un-Hanguang Jun like that MXTX doesn’t even tell us what he says (as opposed to other instances). The proof to this can be Incense Burned pt.1.
WWX, seeing his younger self try to resist younger LWJ moves, says: “Good Heavens, I’m almost gonna get hard. Please don’t spare him no matter what. The right thing to do is to fuck him all the way…”
Then this and that happens, the young wangxian do stuff, the older wangxian do stuff, and when both of the couples are finishes, older LWJ was nowhere near done. He adjusted WWX in another position and then this happened:
LWJ repeated in WWX’s ear the sentence WWX said himself, or probably some variation of it. However, it still was dirty cause WWX answers him using the same words. MXTX chose not to let us know exactly what LWJ said (as opposed to other instances)
probably because saying such words is really beyond HGJ, and the only ears that can hear that is WWX’s.

Lan Wangji and being bottom.

*sigh* this is a discussion which is popular in the fandom, and my words here are not meant to be taken as a discouragement for fans regarding their own feels about wangxian & the top/bottom topic.
I merely wish to give an interpretation.
So. MXTX said herself in an interview that in Wangxian dynamics, LWJ is top and WWX is bottom. But as I said before, the genius is not only to say or state a fact, but also show and express. There are several such examples in the novel.
In the family banquet extra, WWX tries to be the “active” one while “raping” LWJ, surprised at the lack of action from LWJ’s part. Basically, LWJ just lies there like a log, under the blanket, with an “…” every now and then. Here are his answers to WWX:
“What do you want me to do” – it’s not intuitive for him. The stress is clearly on what do *YOU* want me to do. WWX plays a game and he reluctantly suggests that is this is what he wants he’ll try to play along.
However he’s clearly not cooperating: “Making noise is forbidden in the CR”. Yeah, HGJ, like that stopped you before when WWX makes noise 24/7. LWJ, as we’ve seen before, has no problem to retort and say something of sexual hinting himself.
(“mark your words”, “show me when we return”, “I can try tonight”) However in this case he brings back the Lan rules as a major turn off.
“It sounds rather difficult” – can anyone recall a moment when something was difficult for LWJ, or more importantly, when he *complained* about smth being difficult? What I see here is HGJ just telling WWX “drop the matter, no way.”
Then WWX gets it and suggest that they switch roles, and you see for yourself how fast LWJ left his dense log mode.
Next, Incence Burner Pt. 2. (I owe this to Sally and her help with the Chinese definitions of “husband” and “wife”)

WWX meets Younger Lan Zhan twice. In the first one, LWJ is 15/16, and acts like his usual younger self. WWX can’t help but to tease him and complains that
“after 10 years of being husband and wife” LWJ treats him coldly.

in the second time WWX sees 17/18 y/o LWJ and teases him to come out and chase after him. When LWJ asks who is it, WWX answers “It’s your husband!”.
A few pages later, where LWJ got teased so bad he can’t help but to vigorously #$*%#$&%* WWX, the following happens:
In the same chapter, also this happened:

Wei Wuxian and spanking.

This is totally my own interpretation!

In the same Incense Burner pt.2 chapter we come to realize that if there’s anything other than dogs that causes the gremlin to become all serious, scared and even angry – it’s spanking.
When dream LWJ did that to him he actually came to the point of stopping his moving on LWJ and getting off of him. And if a kinky person like WWX did that, it means something. When both of them woke up, LWJ tried his luck at spanking him in real life, WWX got really scared and
angry and made LWJ promise he will never do that again.

Now let’s return to WWX fear of dogs as an example. When WWX encounters a dog, he’s extremely scared. He hides, he screams, he runs, he cries, he even curses the dog.
There’s nothing to suggest that while he’s scared of that dog, at the same time he goes “ohhhhh how cute it is, I wish I could pet it!”. There is no ambiguity.

The same, however, cannot be said about the way MXTX expresses his fear/hate of spanking. You can see the parts here:
This is very vague and I might be wrong, but to me it seems like WWX, who was always the teasing, the talkative one between the two finally came to a point where something made him shut up and feel embarrassed,
but at the same time this humiliation still causes his body to be sensitive and be stimulated.

This is also becomes interesting when you think of WHY exactly he hates spanking, or more correctly, fears of being spanked:
This seems like a record he set for himself – to be the one kid who never gets spanked as opposed to other kids. This is like an accomplishment he kept track of while being young, which I also see as him always being the best in everything
(better than the disciples, better than JC), and always being that kid who does trouble and can get away with it. It seems to me that if an adult in his life really did spank him, it would be shameful for him but at the same time he would be angry because he lost that
“accomplishment” of being the kid who never got hit on his butt. Think about such “accomplishments” you stated for yourselves as kids, no matter how weird or ridiculous. This part gets enhanced when WWX repeatedly says that no one has ever treated it him like this before:
Why repeat it when he just said it? To me it seems like a hint that an exploration of this sense of humiliation is maybe needed. It’s as if he’s angered that “someone broke the record I set for myself!” but at the same time he’s kinda hinting or teasing (?) LWJ and himself to try
and explore what that thing was that no one ever did to him, because it made him feel stimulated nonetheless.

LWJ is a caring husband and he will not do anything WWX doesn’t like. However, if I’m completely honest, (with the way WWX presents the issue (while obviously being
stimulated by it in the dream) and by the way LWJ smiles and kisses him and promises that he won’t do anything,) I can’t help but to feel that somewhere in the future, this thing will repeat itself and LWJ will try to make WWX discover this weird sensation to the fullest 👀👀

Thank you for reading! ❤️
Further note about the spanking: as I said, I'm not sure about that. It's very hard to understand. What I tried to say is that the text is a bit ambiguous on that part. Because:

1) we have WWX's first person perspective and he clearly states he doesn't like it
2) however there is also the narrator present, whose role is to state objective facts of which the characters themselves aren't aware. The narrator says that wwx was stimulated by it and came from it, that his body turned sensitive, and that it didn't really hurt.
He moaned rather than cried.

It's this ambiguity exactly that makes the reader question.

The narrator's POV is always the objective one that shows the intentions of the writer, no matter what their character says or feels.
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