i’m so tired of having to explain why racism is wrong. i hate explaining that racism should be publicly condemned. i hate that the majority of the country music community doesn’t give a fuck. i’m just so incredibly tired. i feel so weighed down.
i hate that the majority of the genre would rather push racism under the rug & not acknowledge how harmful it is. i hate that people are preaching forgiveness & love instead of speaking out & defending black people against hate & racism.
i hate that people push prayers & Jesus & love without acknowledging that racism is wrong & hurts. i hate it so much that they don’t think Jesus would be hurt by the blatant racism. yes, we should pray for that person to see how wrong their actions are but that doesn’t happen
unless you publicly say, hey this is wrong. how do we fix it & move forward instead of brushing it under the rug & pretending that it’s a black people problem. racism is a worldwide problem & it takes everyone to want to fix it. i just can’t do it with country music anymore.
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