I’m pro-life. I believe there are two genders. I believe marriage is between man & woman. I believe in gender roles. I support freedom to not vax. I support school choice. I’m a Christian. I support the military and law enforcement. I love America.

People hate me for it. 🙃 🧵
I’m ALSO pro-contraceptive but NOT abortion & NOT plan B pill. Condoms SUCK. The Pill ruins women. That’s why I’m pro-monogamy & marriage. Find your person & experience true intimacy & pleasure. Track ovulation. Plant that seed, guys! ☺️🥰
I physically & financially support adoption & foster care. I’m involved. I volunteer. I support. I’m not just pRo BiRtH. 🙄 I believe welfare should be a stepping stone, not create govt dependence. I support single moms, widows, & orphans.
I believe in LEGAL immigration. Too many children are endangered coming here, fleeing an even worse situation. Open borders hurt EVERYONE. Many parents would rather have their kid here alone than sent back to their country. Kids are trafficked & used to get here by bad ppl
God intended man & women, but it’s unrealistic in a Godless society. So, I support domestic partnerships where partners have the right to medical info, insurance, etc. many Christians hate on me for that, but my sin is no worse than anyone else’s except that it’s been forgiven.
As a Christian, who am I to hold someone to a standard they don’t believe in? I’m not a turn or burn, I’m a “live a life that shines His light & shows his mercy & grace”. I’m a hypocrite to the core. It’s why I need Jesus. I’m bad, He’s good, and he’s FOR YOU TOO. 🙏🏼
Our hyper-sexualized society has totally screwed us. It’s destroyed the family unit. It’s taken away our children’s innocence. It’s made us numb so we can’t find true pleasure & instead resort to evil perversions. We sell ourselves & call it empowerment when it’s slavery.
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